What I thought I’d never do…

If you had asked me a little over five years ago if there was a chance (even the slightest chance) that I’d be moving from my hometown of San Diego to the Midwest, I would have laughed at you.  I typically don’t laugh AT people, as I prefer to laugh WITH people, but I think I seriously would have laughed at you.  In fact, if you had asked me if I’d move from San Diego to ANYWHERE else, I would have given you a very strong “no way!” response.  I’m a San Diego native.  Third generation, to be exact (there aren’t many of us around).  Born and raised with flip-flops, warm sunshine, salty beaches, and palm trees.  Why on EARTH would anyone ever want to live anywhere else?

Enter, a boy.  Isn’t that always the way it goes?  A boy enters the picture and suddenly things change?

I met this guy named Josh in December of 2008.  I’m sure I’ll share our “love story” later…

Josh was from Minnesota, and very early in our dating relationship, I realized that if I kept dating this guy, we could very well fall in love, get married… and move to Minnesota!  I could tell that’s where his heart was.  Though he had recently moved to California, the Midwest was in his blood and that was where he really wanted to be.  I kinda had to decide at that point – fairly early in our relationship – if I was okay with moving someday.  I realized I had two options: keep dating this guy and risk doing something I NEVER thought I would ever want to do and move… or decide I didn’t want to risk it – I didn’t want to take the chance on being faced with the hard decision to move from San Diego someday – and break up with him.

I decided it was worth the risk.  For the record, I’m really glad I did.

We had many talks throughout our first few years of marriage as to when/if/how/why we would move.  I’ll be honest, there were usually tears (on my part) involved.


This August, two years and nine months into our marriage, we made our largest purchase to date as a couple: 2 ½ acres of beautiful, partially wooded land in Andover, Minnesota.  Josh has always dreamed of building a house, and what girl hasn’t dreamed of a custom built house with massive closets, spa like bathrooms, and an expansive kitchen?  FYI, Josh and I are still discussing the reasonable and realistic nature of “massive,” “spa like,” and “expansive.”  But I’m keeping my fingers crossed.  This purchase (obviously) kind of established the fact that we were indeed moving and that it would be sooner, rather than later.  I’m sure I’ll share the story of our land purchase later too.  It’s pretty cool.

Now fast forward to three years and a month into our marriage.  I’ve quit my job, Josh has new work opportunities waiting for him in Minnesota, and we are turning in the keys to our (now) empty tiny one bedroom apartment that’s been home for the first few years of our lives together.  A trailer hitched to Josh’s truck is packed with all our worldly belongings and I am faced with saying goodbye to the city, people, family, and home that I’ve known all my life.  And, cue more tears.

So, while it’s kinda been looming overhead for a while, and I obviously knew it was coming, it seems all too sudden that this California girl is packing up her flip-flops and heading to the Midwest.  I hope to use this blog as a way to share my new, exciting, scary, strange, and definitely fun new experiences with all those smart people that stayed back in Sunny San Diego while I up and moved to Minnesota in the dead of winter, as well as some of the new friends I hope to make along the way.  I suppose I should warn you, I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve and am terrible at hiding my feelings.  So I suspect this blog might get a little real at times… but then again, I suppose this blog is also for me… a way to cope with all those new, exciting, scary, strange, and fun things.  And, above all, I hope you’ll laugh WITH me and not AT me.

About djlund

A Southern California girl that up and fell in love with a Midwest boy. This is my story, and I'm stickin' to it.
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8 Responses to What I thought I’d never do…

  1. Donna Supinger says:

    I did this when I was younger than you sweetie. The trepidation and tears I can identify with all to well and it’s ok. Love you, Aunt Donna

  2. This is great! I look forward to reading those two future blogs you promised. Thanks for sharing this. I’m praying for you both in this transition.

  3. Kristen Thayer says:

    Moving to a new place/culture is rough… I know you’ll figure it out, but that doesn’t mean you won’t need some ice cream sometimes. Looking forward to following your adventures.

  4. Teryl (Terry) Watt says:

    Dara, a big change is a big adventure! Praying to our BIG GOD to travel with you and hold you close as you adjust to snow. Thankful that you have Josh’s family there to welcome you.

  5. Charlene says:

    Looking forward to reading about your journey. I did the opposite 22 years ago and moved from Wisconsin to California. At times it will be hard but Josh and his circle will make it easier. (I still think you should have waited until spring, but just remember you will acclimate and life is about the journey)

  6. This is so cool! I am looking forward to reading more posts about yours and Josh’s adventures together building your marriage, your home, your family. Changes are difficult to make, but we can adjust and find happiness and joy in new surroundings.

  7. Miriam says:

    Thank you for sharing, dearest Dara & Josh! You are both so special and your blog is great! 🙂
    As a MN ‘girl’ that moved to CA way before you were even born and one who has visited MN for years and years, i will assure you that MN is a beautiful state with wonderful people that you will love, albeit with extra challenges … not the least of which will be the weather … we miss you already out here … CA won’t be the same without you …
    May The Lord continue to show you His Will & His Way as He continues to be your Rock & Peace! He will see you through and help you not only survive but, thrive! 🙂
    Please enjoy every part of your new life together there! Many people have gone before you, one of whom is a close friend of ours (also a CA girl turned MN wife, now with four darlings) and each loves it! Blessings on you and yours! Praying for you all in this transition time, trusting God for you and with you, laughing with Him and you! Love, Miriam Keesey

  8. ladykelacy says:

    Living in San Diego is a bit like living in a pitri dish anyways, who wants perpetual sunshine? 😉 The changing of seasons has both dramatic beauty and some unpleasant points. You’re going to do great and I’m sure you will find the beauty out there just as addictive as the sunshine out here. 🙂 Watch out for seasonal mood swings, a lot of Californians go through “sunshine withdrawal” when they move away. Just a weird tidbit of info, lol.

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